
Sunday 24 August 2014

[Sponsored Post] Adorably cute Lipstick from Born Pretty~❤

Heeeello everybody! Today I bring you a review on this really adorable off-brand lipstick, kindly sponsored by Born Pretty!
Thank you very much~ ( ´∀`)ノ\(=ω=;)

It's something a little different considering I rarely do off-brand product reviews but there is always a gem product that is off-brand out there so I happily accepted when Born Pretty emailed me regarding reviews~
Born Pretty is one of those online stores where you are just overwhelmed with soooo much choices from nails/makeup to fashion & home items (Happiness!!!!) I've seen BPS reviews eeeeverywhere & I've also had a good shopping experience with them before (only a month ago) when buying lashes~ 

I chose this lipstick to review on the whim & because the swatches looked freaking amazing & not what I expect from an off-brand lipstick (´□`)

So let's gooo!~

Born Pretty Price:- $1.79$ (about £1.07) 
There is currently a sale on lip products that feature 4 lipsticks/liners in the site photos.
Each lipstick is $1.79! Very cheap & cheerful~ (。・ω・。)ノ

Name on site:- 1pc Lip Stick Natural Lip Plumper Cream Moisture Gloss
Also on the case it says Minx Baby Bear in shade 09

Info on site 
100% brand new
High quality
This is a high quality lip gloss, with inexpensive price.
Moisturizing your lips and make you sexy!
Suitable for professional use and home use

There is more colours to this line of lipstick & you can find the links above the claims ^^~

I chose shade 09 because it looked more like a raspberry pink that would suit my full lips~
I want to experiment more in pink lipsticks & its been a struggle so far! ( ;´Д`)

The lipstick comes in a sturdy clear plastic & is designed with a simple logo & paw print. (´・ω・`)
The packaging is not that appealing - I probably wouldn't pick this lipstick up if I saw it in a shop but its the product we want right?
Despite the very simple packaging, the size is absolutely adorable! It measures only 5½cm tall & gosh, so cute!
Handbag-able aaaall the way! haha (○´∀`○) Though on the more serious side, the tiny size does limit us of the amount of lipstick itself. 
But at $1.79? It's expected & I believe the small size is ideal if you are like me & just experimenting with different lipsticks shades.I'd rather spend $1.79 on a small lipstick than say $20 on a high brand just to find I hate it.

The lipstick is the usual twist-up mechanism~ The lipstick bullet is not at all shakey but take care when twist-up to avoid the bullet getting damaged.
 The shade is actually 09 but I put the lipstick on the wrong side ;^;

As mentioned before, the case of lipstick limits the amount of product. The lipstick bullet is a tiny 2½cm tall & is barely a cm thick. It's very delicate & thin & can take quite a bashing if knocked I'm sure.
 * * *
The colour is as its seen in the claim photos & is a very pretty raspberry pink colour!~ It's looks a bit warm toned in the bullet but applied is different. 
It has a slight sheen to it on the bullet because it gives a glossy finish to the lips (○´∀`○) 
No flash
The bullet is very creamy & easily takes damage - The dents in the bullet above are cause by putting the lipstick cap back on. 
It's important to be careful when using the bullet on your lips~ Too much pressure it'll snap (=ω=;)

This what the bullet looked like after one coat of it being applied on the lips. You can quickly see how creamy-moisturised the lipstick formula is as it looks smeary. It kind of reminds me of when a vaseline lip balm melts a bit in the pot. 

In flash photos, the lipstick swatches as a warm toned glossy pink that looks very milky & almost gyaru-ish~

 But in non-flash the colour appears a much lighter coral-pink that looks very fresh & sweet for summer - It really very cute & natural! ^▽^ The formula is very sheer like a tinted lipbalm in 1 swipe but can easily be built up for a stronger colour.

But of course, it all depends on the pigmentation of your lips~
The formula is also very moisturising & is not sticky but it can feel a bit greasy if you apply more than two coats on the lips. Some people can stand that however~ 
Despite the greasy-finish, the gloss is absolutely gorgeous & definitely makes the lips appear juicy & plump~
I definitely prefer a glossy finish than a matte finish.
 The lipstick formula applies very smoothly on the lips but can be smeary (notice the bottom of the middle swatch) so I find I have to blend it lightly will my finger for it to settle properly.

 When fully blended, the colour is just ever-so-slightly sheerer but still maintains a lovely fresh colour. 

 It does not leave a tint when removed~

I find with off-brand lipstick, they have a rather unpleasant smell - It's rather hard to explain but you might find it with cheap halloween lipsticks.
But this lipstick has no smell whatsoever~ (。’▽’。)

To test how moisturising the lipstick is, I did not apply lipbalm before hand.
My natural lips is a pale pink & can look ghostly against my pale skin ㅠㅠ I always look for a warm/rosy colour instead of a nude shade. I also find very light lipsticks can make my full lips look too full.

I applied one coat of the lipstick on one side of my lips & with one coat it gives a very natural yet glossy pink colour (○´∀`○)
There is only a slight difference compared between the bare side of my lips & with lipstick looks a bit more healthier~
However, one coat does not appear such a big difference in real life than how it looks in photos - I normally apply two coats than one to get a noticeable shade~

Bare + Lipstick
Normally I would do a gradation lip in my lip reviews but I find this lipstick does not perform that well for a gradient lips because of how sheer it is~ 

This is two coats!~
With two coats, it creates an absolutely gorgeous raspberry pink~ It looks very milky & glossy & definitely reminds me of a gyaru-ish shade (。・ω・。)ノ It makes my lips look full & I find it looks okay with my pale skin!

I find this colour is just enough for me & of course, you can intensify the colour. 
* * *
I love the colour but I have a little bit of a hard time applying the lipstick. It does apply veeery smoothly on lips (even dry lips!) with no tugging but its very smeary & settles in the lines of lips. I had to smooth out the smeary formula with my finger before taking the full lip shots above because it looks very awful & gloopy. 

Here is shots before I smoothed out the formula:-
Despite after smoothing it out, it slips/slide over your lips during the day & eventually will crease up again so it can get very tiresome (=ω=;)
I've thinking of trying a lip primer with this product soon. 

Despite the gloopy formula, its lightweight & does not feel sticky - albeit a bit greasy buts its benign with two coats~
Its something I can learn to ignore~However, the greasiness of the formula does feel quite moisturising so my lips feel softer even after removal of the product. 

It's kind of a love-hate relationship with the formula (´・ω・`) 

 No taste~ (´ω`)

Because of the formula it does fade pretty quick. It does slip/slide over your lips & it transfers of cups & comes off very fast when eating:-
But it lasts about two hours or so without eating/drinking between. The first thing to go is the gloss & then the colour fades off fast, leaving my lips all pale again ㅠㅠ

I quite like it!~ (○´∀`○)
This little cutie does give a gorgeous glossy pink colour that does I find flatters me. Pink is such a hard colour for me (I'm also terribly picky) & this one works! 
I have to wear two coats as one coat is a bit too sheer. It does not make me look ghostly & nor is it a very bright colour - It's just a perfect pink.

The formula is a love-hate. It applies very smoothly & it's glossy enough to look pretty & hydrate my lips but it feels greasy. It's not greasy to the point my lips feel suffocated/heavy but I'm not used to it - I prefer a lipbalm finish.
The lipstick also has trouble settling. I constantly have to smooth it out or blot & then I find myself reapplying. It can be annoying & therefore I think I cannot really wear this in the salon as it will start to bug me - I'd much rather wear this lipstick for photos.

It does last about two hours or so but it does fade completely of colour/glossy especiallys when eating/drinking but my lips do feel softer afterwards~ ( ´∀`)

So overall, I love the colour & how easy the lipstick is to pop into my purse but its just the greasy feel to the formula that gets to me sometimes.

Two selcas wearing two coats of the lipstick.

Super cheap - $1.79!
Comes in many different colours on BPS
Tiny handbag-able size - Damn cute!
Applies well
Gives a beautiful glossy pink that I adore
Lightweight - does not make my lips feel 'suffocated'
Gives slight moisture to lips while wearing/after removal
Easy to remove

Formula does not settle well on lips & can sink into fine lines
Formula has a greasy feel to it - It's not a heavy greasy feel but its not something I'd prefer.
It does not last that long - About 2-3 hours or so
The lipstick bullet is very delicate & loses it shape.
Not much lipstick in bullet
Packaging is not very attractive

would I buy?
Yes & no. I just adore the colour but the formula is a let down. I think I will try a lip primer with this lipstick to see if it will perform better.
But for $1.79? Damn worth it!

By the way, Nut-Nut helped with this review:-
 He knocked my lips when he was on my shoulder - Lipstick on his beak (´・ω・`)

 * * *
Experience with Born Pretty Store
Working with BP was a lovely & friendly experience! They were so helpful & were happy to answer any of my questions.
Agreeing to review their products was done very quickly . I first got their email on July 24th & they shipped out the products on July 28th!
The products arrived on August 12th - Two weeks & thats very quick!! 
Due to preparing for college & making arrangement with college meetings, I only just got the first review up now so I feel a little bit guilty - It's been a hectic couple of past weeks but I'm glad this first one is up.

I see Born Pretty everywhere on blogging sites so I hope you guys give them a try! With free shipping, amazing prices & there are so many great products that haves looooots a great reviews! 
It's just a lovely site!

Born Pretty have even given me a code for you guys so you can get 10% discount off your order:-
Just click & use the code KEH10 in checkout^^
I enjoyed working with BPS & I hope you guys check their site & their amazing products out.
Thank you for this opportunity!~

*This product was sponsored by Born Pretty but however, this review (like all reviews on my blog) is written from my 100% honest opinion & experiences*

Thank you for reading & I hope you enjoyed this review! I have another BPS review coming up & definiately will be this week since my college stuff has been arranged~

I hope you all enjoy your weekend~ I love you all❤ Bye!~


  1. Thank you for the review! It has beautiful colour indeed!it's a let down it's so greasy, but it's 1.79 right?! So you get what yu pay for!

  2. I really like the color of the lipstick! It looks really pretty on you:)
    I think those violet circle lenses look really really beautiful!!^^

  3. Just want to say how cool your hair colour is >0</!!

  4. I love your new hair colour soo much!! The lipstick goes very well with it ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
