안녕~ Hihi everyone!~ \(^0^)/ This is another everyday life post not a review ㅠㅠ sorry sorry! Soon I'll have reviews XD I want to share with you what I go up to Saturday~
안녕~ Annyeong everyone & hello new followers! (○´∀`○) I've had such eventful weeks so far despite my insomnia (which I think I've finally gotten rid off! I hope it 화이팅! ( ´∀`)☆~~) Here was some photos I've captured to show you my week!~
안녕~❤ Heeeeello everyone!~ ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ❤ I greet you from Homestudy! (I get to study at home instead of going to school & only come for exams & some whole days! eeeeek~~)
Solution-Lens have sponsored me a pair of circle lens (I emailed them asking if they take up sponsors~) & they accepted me! woooo~~❤ I heard of them from bloggers & I found them to be the safest!~ Solution-Lens have a wide selection of the most famous circle lenses to normal contact lenses to crazy cosplay lenses for the most amazing prices~ . . .